Wednesday, February 25, 2009

BOBBEE BEE: TURN OFF THAT TV!! MEDIA MANIPULATION MIND CONTROL (This video is PG-13 contains strong language)

1.two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs

3. kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming.
Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):

The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development.

As kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such as being p
hysically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time with family.

Of course, television, in moderation, can be a good thing: Preschoolers can get help learning the alphabet on public television, grade schoolers can learn about wildlife on nature shows, and parents can keep up with current events on the evening news. No doubt about it — TV can be an excellent educator and entertainer.

But despite its advantages, too much television can be detrimental:
Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.
Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.
TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and

drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes.

Children's advocates are divided when it comes to solutions. Although many urge for more hours per week of educational programming, others assert that no TV is the best solution. And some say it's better for parents to control the use of TV and to teach kids that it's for occasional entertainment, not for constant escapism.

That's why it's so important for you to monitor the content of TV programming and set viewing limits to ensure that your kids don't spend too much time watching TV.


To give you perspective on just how much violence kids see on TV, consider this: The average American child will witness 200,000 violent acts on television by age 18. Kids may become desensitized to violence and more aggressive. TV violence sometimes begs for imitation because violence is often promoted as a fun and effective way to get what you want.

Many violent acts are perpetrated by the "good guys," whom kids have been taught to emulate. Even though kids are taught by their parents that it's not right to hit, television says it's OK to bite, hit, or kick if you're the good guy. This can lead to confusion when kids try to understand the difference between right and wrong. And even the "bad guys" on TV aren't always held responsible or punished for their actions.

Young kids are particularly frightened by scary and violent images. Simply telling kids that those images aren't real won't console them, because they can't yet distinguish between fantasy and reality. Behavior problems, nightmares and difficulty sleeping may be a consequence of exposure to media violence.
Older kids can also be frightened by violent depictions, whether those images appear on fictional shows, the news, or reality-based shows. Reasoning with kids this age will help them, so it's important to provide reassuring and honest information to help ease fears. However, consider not letting your kids view programs that they may find frightening.

Risky Behaviors

TV is full of programs and commercials that depict risky behaviors such as sex and substance abuse as cool, fun, and exciting. And often, there's no discussion about the consequences of drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes, and having premarital sex.

For example, studies have shown that teens who watch lots of sexual content on TV are more likely to initiate intercourse or participate in other sexual activities earlier than peers who don't watch sexually explicit shows.

Alcohol ads on TV have actually increased over the last few years and more underage kids are being exposed to them than ever. A recent study by the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) found that youth exposure to alcohol ads on TV increased by 30% from 2001 to 2006.

And although they've banned cigarette ads on television, kids and teens can still see plenty of people smoking on programs and movies airing on TV. This kind of "product placement" makes behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol seem acceptable. In fact, kids who watch 5 or more hours of TV per day are far more likely to begin smoking cigarettes than those who watch less than the recommended 2 hours a day.


Health experts have long linked excessive TV-watching to obesity — a significant health problem today. While watching TV, kids are inactive and tend to snack. They're also bombarded with ads that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods such as potato chips and empty-calorie soft drinks that often become preferred snack foods.

Studies have shown that decreasing the amount of TV kids watched led to less weight gain and lower body mass index (BMI — a measurement derived from someone's weight and height).


According to the AAP, kids in the United States see 40,000 commercials each year. From the junk food and toy advertisements during Saturday morning cartoons to the appealing promos on the backs of cereal boxes, marketing messages inundate kids of all ages. And to them, everything looks ideal — like something they simply have to have. It all sounds so appealing — often, so much better than it really is.

Under the age of 8 years, most kids don't understand that commercials are for selling a product. Children 6 years and under are unable to distinguish program content from commercials, especially if their favorite character is promoting the product. Even older kids may need to be reminded of the purpose of advertising.

Of course, it's nearly impossible to eliminate all exposure to marketing messages. You can certainly turn off the TV or at least limit kids' watching time, but they'll still see and hear advertisements for the latest gizmos and must-haves at every turn.

But what you can do is teach kids to be savvy consumers by talking about the products advertised on TV. Ask thought-provoking questions like, "What do you like about that?," "Do you think it's really as good as it looks in that ad?," and "Do you think that's a healthy choice?"

Explain, when kids ask for products advertised, that commercials and other ads are designed to make people want things they don't necessarily need. And these ads are often meant to make us think that these products will make us happier somehow. Talking to kids about what things are like in reality can help put things into perspective.

To limit kids' exposure to TV commercials, the AAP recommends that you:

Have your kids watch public television stations (some programs are sponsored — or "brought to you" — by various companies, although the products they sell are rarely shown).

Teaching Good TV Habits
Here are some practical ways to make TV-viewing more productive in your home:

Limit the number of TV-watching hours:
Stock the room in which you have your TV with plenty of other non-screen entertainment (books, kids' magazines, toys, puzzles, board games, etc.) to encourage kids to do something other than watch the tube.

Keep TVs out of bedrooms.

Turn the TV off during meals.
Don't allow kids to watch TV while doing homework.
Treat TV as a privilege to be earned — not a right. Establish and enforce family TV viewing rules, such as TV is allowed only after chores and homework are completed.
Try a weekday ban. Schoolwork, sports activities, and job responsibilities make it tough to find extra family time during the week. Record weekday shows or save TV time for weekends and you'll have more family togetherness time to spend on meals, games, physical activity, and reading during the week.
Set a good example by limiting your own TV viewing.
Come up with a family TV schedule that you all agree upon each week. Then, post the schedule in a visible area (e.g., on the refrigerator) so that everyone knows which programs are OK to watch and when. And make sure to turn off the TV when the "scheduled" program is over instead of channel surfing.

Watch TV together. If you can't sit through the whole program, at least watch the first few minutes to assess the tone and appropriateness, then check in throughout the show.

Offer fun alternatives to television. If your kids want to watch TV but you want to turn off the tube, suggest that you all play a board game, start a game of hide and seek, play outside, read, work on crafts or hobbies, or listen and dance to music. The possibilities for fun without the tube are endless — so turn off the TV and enjoy the quality time together.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: October 2008

Thursday, February 19, 2009


By Albert Shanker, President
American Federation of Teachers
written in 1994

Time is running out on public education. Americans have always been committed to the public schools. They consider them a basic democratic instititution where students from the many diverse groups in the US can learn to work together. But according to Public Agenda's new study, " Assignment Incomplete," the support for public education is wearing thin. A majority of Americans believe that the public schools can not be counted on to provide things they consider most important in an education-discipline, the basics, and standards. Assuming the report is correct- and its is very convincing-the schools have a window of opportunity to regain public support. If that is ignored, we will see the collapse of the system.

Most Americans favor the idea of public education. And generally, when you ask them if they are satisified with the schools their children attend, they answer, yes. But, as Public Agenda researchers found, this kind of veneer. The minute the researchers started probing on issues that the public care about, the support for public school evaporated. A big maturity said that PRIVATE SCHOOLS do a BETTER JOB. For example, 61 percent said that PRIVATE schools are more likely to provide order and discipline in the classroom ; only 18 percent thought local public schools did a better job at first. Fifty-three percent said that private schools have higher academic standards; only 24 percent said standards were higher in local public schools. And when Public Agenda researchers asked the ultimate question-------"Where would you send you kid if money was not an issue?___57 PERCENT of parents said "to a private school"

This is devastating. Yet though Americans are angry and frustrated about public education, Public Agenda found that they do not want to scrap it. They are willing to give public education another chance. And what they want is straightforward enough: primarily, safe and orderly schools where all students can at least be sure of learning the basics.

Help us; help you! Bobbee Bee is here!! Support "In the Mind of Bobbee Bee"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This country is facing some of the worst economic times in years,and we must create CHANGE TOMORROW by taking ACTION TODAY!
Be Heard! Support President Obama's Economic Recovery Package

How Does this bill Matter to You?
A bill to create jobs, restore economic growth, and strengthen America's middle class through measures that modernize the nation's infrastructure, enhance America's energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax relief, protect those in greatest need, and for other purposes.

Summary of the Key Points:

1.Clean, Efficient, American Energy
The recovery package will create more than 500,000 jobs, provide energy efficiency funds for the nation's schools, offer support for the nation's governors and mayors to tackle their energy challenges, and establish a new loan guarantee program to keep our transition to renewable energy on track during the economic crisis.
2.Transforming Our Economy with Science, Technology & Innovation
This economic recovery package invests in science and technology – both creating jobs in the short-term and building a foundation for strong economic growth in the long-term. The recovery package will provide funding for job and research opportunities for students, help renovate research facilities, and extend broadband and wireless services to underserved communities across the country.
3.Lowering Health Care Costs and Ensuring Broader Coverage
As millions of people lose their jobs in this recession, they are also losing their heath insurance. The package protects health coverage for millions of Americans by providing up to 12 months of subsidized COBRA health insurance continuation coverage and a temporary state option to cover jobless workers through Medicaid. The bill will also invest in information technology and save or create more than 250,000 jobs in health care and education.

4. Investing in Education for the 21st Century
The recovery package will invest in educating students for the 21st century. The bill includes funding to modernize classrooms, libraries, and labs in elementary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities; provides funding for schools to become more energy efficient and upgrade technology; and improves current education tax credits to help make college more affordable. The bill will also help to prevent teach layoffs and other education cutbacks by establishing a State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.
5. Creating Jobs by Modernizing Roads, Bridges, Transit and Waterways
The recovery package would create 1.5 million American jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges, modernizing public buildings and mass transit, and putting people to work cleaning up our air, water and land.
7. Tax Cuts for Middle-class Families and American Businesses
The tax cuts in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will give 95% of American workers an immediate tax cut and encourage job-creating investments by businesses large and small.

9.Helping Workers Hurt by the Recession
In this economic crisis, high unemployment and rising costs have put a huge strain on many American families. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act contains a series of provisions to help families deal with job loss and rising costs. Provisions in this bill include extending unemployment benefits, increasing food stamp benefits, and enhancing job training.

Take Action Now. Support President Obama's Economic Recovery Package
Information provided by Young & Powerful Group